
The purpose of this method is to determine with respect to rain, water spray, or dripping water, the following:
The effectiveness of protective covers, cases, and seals in preventing the penetration of water.
The capability of a product to perform normally during and after exposure to water.
Any physical deterioration caused by the rain.
The effectiveness of any water removal system.
The effectiveness of protection offered to a packaged product.
Rain and Blowing Rain is applicable for Test Specimens which will be deployed out-of-doors and which will be unprotected from rain or blowing rain
Drip is appropriate when a Test Specimen is normally protected from rain but may be exposed to falling water from condensation or leakage from upper surfaces.
Rain when falling, upon impact, and as deposited as pooled water has a variety of effects on products.
Surface erosion
Degraded strength/swelling of some materials.
Increased corrosion potential, erosion, or even fungal growth.
Increased weight.
Electrical or electronic apparatus become inoperative or unsafe.
Freezing inside products that may cause delayed deterioration and malfunction by swelling or cracking of parts.
Modified thermal exchange.
Slower burning of propellants.
Test Methods
Rain & Blowing Rain Drip
Related Test Methods
Watertightness Immersion
Rainfall rate Nozzle size
Droplet size Nozzle pattern
Wind velocity Preheat temperature
Test Specimen orientation Exposure duration
Procedure Selection Considerations
Select the procedure that represents the most severe exposure anticipated for the Test Specimen. When selecting a procedure, consider:
The Test Specimen configuration.
The purpose of the Test Specimen.
The natural exposure circumstances.
Test Specimen Configuration
Perform the test using all the configurations in which the Test Specimen may be exposed to rain. As a minimum, consider the following configurations:
In a shipping container, storage container or transit case.
Protected or not protected.
In its operational configuration.
Modified with kits for special applications.
Typical Test Standards
EN 60529 NEMA
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